a. ˁag ṣáḥdɛd wa-ḷáfi ḷaḷ yeṣábaḥ men érhon wa-yeróˀoŝ men mórbiẓ̂ wa-móˁmid yaˁáṭob ˁes ṣéˁeʰ kor tsábaḳ ˁes díˀseʰ ˁábreʰ wa-téḷtḥom ke-ṭahídids ˁaf tšéḳer di-míṣ̌her ‘A reasonable and strong man, when he looks for his goats in the morning and raises them from their resting-places and their sleeping-places, sends forth a cry to make the young ones follow their mother and stick together one to another till they enter their pen’ (Bulakh 2024:172)
b. ḷátḥam ˁag ke-ˀɛ́ˀɛfo di-ˀaḷ-ˀíľʸheʰ wa-ˁö́ẓ̂en meʸh ˁaf yeḥómeš ‘A man stayed among people who were not of his own tribe, and they became fond of him and in the end they found a wife for him (from their tribe)’ (Bulakh 2024:172)
c. ḥfóren ˁö́bhor kor néʸhen témhɛr tóˀo ḳaríb yešráḳaḥ rího ḷeṭ ˁin leṣáˀḥan wa-ˀö́bhon di-ḷátḥam waḷ-šérḳaḥ ˁaf nenokíˁin hésen kombréšen wa-be-ḳúwwaʰ šérḳaḥ ken mésen eḷtέḥɛm wa-laṭ tóˀo šérḳaḥ šérḳaḥ rího ‘We started to dig a well to plant a few date-palms. When the water was about to appear, there emerged some mud and stones glued together. And they (the mud and stones) could not be removed until we brought a rock drill. Then, with great effort—because they stuck together so closely—, the mud and stones came out. Then, after they came out, water appeared’ (Bulakh 2024:172)
d. ŝínik ˁag di-béne ˁarέbeʰ wa-látḥam meʸh benέ ‘I saw a man who built a fence, and his construction was holding fast together (one stone to another stone)’ (Bulakh 2024:172)
e. ŝínik ṭeʸh ˁážeʰ mes ˁaḷhéten tóˀo ḷátḥam ḷe-ṭahidídsen ‘I saw a woman whose teeth were densely stuck one to another’ (Bulakh 2024:172)
v. n. eḷtέḥɛm
- ḷáḥam or ḷóḥom to adhere
- eḷtέḥɛm sticking together closely
The source verb is (I) ḷáḥam or ḷóḥom ‘to adhere’.