المعجم السقطري
ḥótseb (yáḥtsob/ľáḥtsɛb)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
tóˀo ľaḥásɛb aˁáḷoṭ ekténaḥ wa-kaḥk eḥosíbin ˁaf tóˀo ḷeráḥ ˁamḳ aˁáloṭ aḷ-ḥótseb énhi súwa tóˀo ˁéšer beʸh men deʰ wa-deʰ ‘As I was counting, I made mistakes, and once again I would count from the beginning and as I would reach the middle, I would make a mistake. It was not easy to count well, because they were mixed—this and this’ (Bulakh 2024:169)
- ḥósib to count
االشتياق اللغوي
No basic stem verb has been detected, but note (II) ḥósib ‘to count’.