rékaẓ̂ (yerákaẓ̂/ľirkáẓ̂)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

1. to kick, to push; 2. to tread, to hit the ground with one’s feet; 3. to pulsate (of blood)
1. пинать, толкать, пинаться; 2. топать, стучать ногами по земле; 3. пульсировать (о крови)
ركل؛ داس، ركض؛ نبض
LS 400; Kogan 2020:450; Naumkin–Kogan 2021 :530–531; Bulakh 2024:179
text examples


a. wa-kɔn énhi di-ˀemtíni wa-méḷokk ˁeʸh wa-ŝínik áḥfef ṭad wa-ṭad ezóneg wa-ṭad men míˁi yerákaẓ̂ ‘What I desired now I have with me, it is around and easy to see. One's in my hands, one’s in a bundle, the third one is pushing my ribs’ (Naumkin–Kogan 2021:530)

b. éḳdomk be-teľfizyón ˁeyyúg di-yenéḥeg kúraʰ wa-ˀéḳdomk ˁag di-rékaẓ̂ men šérḥeḳ wa-kébes di-goľ ‘One day I was watching a football match on TV, and one player hit from afar and scored a goaľ (Naumkin–Kogan 2021:531)

2. rékaẓ̂k be-ŝérhon men dáˁrho wa-tóˀo éraḥk ḥadíboʰ ˁéroʰ ḥe rénhem ḥóuroʰ ‘I set off from Daarho, by foot, and after a while I reached Hadibo, where the dark sea stopped me’ (Bulakh 2024:179)

3. múḫľoḳ ḷaḷ yedáwwaḫ yekέˀɛ meʸh ŝíyyob yerókeẓ̂ wa-kaḷ rékaẓ̂ meʸh ŝíyyob ṣáme ‘When a person faints, his veins continue to throb. If his veins don't throb, then he’s dead’ (Naumkin–Kogan 2021:531)

  • rátkaẓ̂ 1. to kick; 2. to stomp repeatedly, to hit the ground with one’s feet repeatedly
  • merkíẓ̂o kicking
PS *rkṣ̂ to tread, to trample; to kick
continental MSA