Soqotri Lexicon
réḳaṣ (yeráḳaṣ/ľirḳáṣ)
basic morphological information
v. (Ia)
to hit, to damage (a body part)
ударить, повредить часть тела
أصاب جزء من الجسم
Bulakh 2024:155
ударить, повредить часть тела
أصاب جزء من الجسم
text examples
a. réḳaṣ ˁag ménhi éṣbaˁ ˁaf tertéḳaṣ ménhi éṣbaˁ ‘A man hit my finger so that my finger got damaged’ (Bulakh 2024:154)
b. ṭáḥank be-megˁeḷéḷoʰ bámbeʰ réḳaṣk díˀʸho ṭífɛr be-ˀóben deš di-teṭáḥan ‘I was grinding finger millet with a hand-mill, and I got my finger-nail hit with the grinding stone’ (Bulakh 2024:155)
c. ékobk di-ḳáneʰ di-ľift wa-tóˀo šérḳaḥk šéḳfeḷ wa-hέben yerótem wa-yeráḳaṣ tho aṣábiˁ di-ˀed ˁan régom bɛʰ nétobk díˀʸho aṣábiˁ wa-ʸheʰ ber šemáṭi tho ḷe-ṭeferéten ‘(Once) I entered the lift. As I was going out, it closed and nearly squeezed me and hit my fingers. Thank God, I managed to pull out my fingers, just as the doors of the lift touched my finger-nails”’ (Bulakh 2024:155)
- ratéḳaṣ or rotéḳaṣ 1. to be hurt (said of a body part, usually a finger); 2. to hurt oneself, to get one’s body part (usually a finger) hurt’