v. (VIII)
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gédaḥ ˁag ŝíbɛb kor yóuḳar díˀʸhe ḷe-ˁáže wa-tóˀo éraḥ díˀʸhe ḳáˁar kse šemˁíye ḳiṣámo wa-rékot díˀʸhe ḷe-ˀembórye di-káˀʸhen di-ˀízˁam ˁéʸhen ḥa wa-tébor díˀʸhe taḷḷága dikáˀse ḥa šéʸhen waḷ-ksóˀo bey gamála ke-ber ḥéyhe éraḥ dέnˁa ḥoz aḷ-ˁad hey šέḷḳef ḷerˁó ḥayr hey ḷeˁám ʸhe sóter men dénya ‘An old man came home in the evening to (sleep with) his wife. When he reached his house, he found that the candle was extinguished, and he stumbled over his dear children (lit. his children, the only ones he had, on account of which it was lived), and he broke their only thermos bottle. (All in all,) she (his wife) did not find anything good in him.When a person reaches this stage of life, it would be well if he is not paid any attention at all: it would be better for him to disappearfrom this world’ (Bulakh 2024:194)
Cf. LS 291