basic morphological information

n. (f.)

the dawn prayer
утренняя молитва
صلاة الفجر
CSOL II 453; Wehr 816; Behnstedt 926
text examples

wa-be-ˁamḳ di-ḥteʰ tezóˀok wa-taˀáṭaḥ ˁaf tóˀo ṣáľík aľ-fagr wa-kténḥik keḷóˀoʰ ẓ̂áˁrhɛr wa-teẓ̂ˁáyrir ‘In the middle of the night, it (a goat) moaned and snored. I went to perform the morning prayer, and when I was back, it began to scream loudly’ (CSOL II 29:23


Borrowed from Arabic.