v. (VIII)
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a. ˀéḳdomk ˁag di-ŝotéˀe béne ˁámok hey línhɛm ṭa ˀédnonk ˁö́mor ŝtíˀik ṭey díˀʸho le-ˀéľľehe di-ktáˁro ˁámok ˀinέm ses ˁö́mor laḥágo wa-ˀal-ṣáme kal báˁad ˁáŝer ˀénhor wa-ḥan nenέhɛr toḳ wa-di-bó wa-ŝtíˀik ˁes béne ber se máˁḷɛ še ‘I saw a man who looked very troubled. I asked him: “What happened? Why are you so sad?” He said: “I am in grief because of my cow which has been suffering a lot”. I said: “What happened to her?” He said: “She got stuck (among the branches of a tree), and she died only ten days later, and we were going past her here and there (looking for her but not realizing that she was there). And I am very much in grief because of her, because I was fond of her”’ (Bulakh 2024:121)
b. ḥéyhe ḷaḷ yagáˁar ˀéžˀḥer dibáḷ torf yeṭobéˀeš díˀʸhe ˀέʸhen wa-díˀʸhe ṭábyhɛ wa-yektéˁerwa-ˀal-yeṭéher ḥálfe yéˀṣeṣ ˀal-ligdáḥyhen ḥábhɛr ˀid-ráḥaḳ ‘When a man is ill with an incurable disease, his relatives and attenders attend him and are very much distressed. They do not go anywhere because they are afraid that the news of his death can reach them when they are away (and hence unable to return in time for the funeral)’ (Bulakh 2024:121)
- kóˁor to force