leave it! no problem!
пустяки, ничего страшного
لا بأس
CSOL I 603
text examples

a. ˁö́mor ḷámi aḷ-šénhork wa-ŝíbɛb ḥter e-ˀébrɛhɛy ‘The grandfather said: “Fine. You did nothing wrong.” But in fact the old man was angry with his grandson’ (CSOL I 2:23)

b. ṭáhɛr ˁag góˀor tri ḳáˁri díˀyhe di-ṣáḥeb wa-ẓ̂áḷaˁ e-ṭad di-yíken hey ˁömor góˀork ḳáˁri de di-fľanˁömor hey ḷámi ‘A man once destroyed two of his neighbor’s houses. Then he told one of his relatives:“I destroyed two houses belonging to so-and-so.” The relative said: “No problem”’ (CSOL I 2:23)

semantic notes

According to our informants, ḷámi is semantically and functionally identical to ẓ̂ábi ‘leave!’, the second person singular imperfect (= imperative) of éẓ̂be (yeẓ̂ábi/ľóẓ̂ib) ‘to leave’
