móľˀḥim (du. moľˁími, pl. meḷáˀḥam)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (m.)

area around the pen
пространство вокруг загона
مكان حول الحوش
CSOL I 600; Bulakh 2022:210
الأمثلة النصية

éṣbaḥ ˁag íľʸheʰ men érhon ˁaf yetɛgóḷsen di-móľˀḥim ‘A man had been looking for his goats in the morning and then gathered them near the pen' (CSOL I 30:15)

  • éḷˁem to join a young of an animal with its mother for suckling
  • eḷˁémoʰ joining a young of an animal with its mother for suckling