Soqotri Lexicon
éṭˁe (yeṭóˁi or yéṭˁe/ľóṭˁi)
basic morphological information
text examples
bíľeʰ di-ˁöwégen wa-yešráḳaḥ men mɛr wa-ʸheʰ ŝófeḳ yeṣáˁaḳ tóˀo mébrehe ḷaḷ yebóurɛ yeṣáˁaḳ ... wa-ṭaʰ bɛr éľľehe yéṭˁe ‘Every creature, when it is born and goes out of the womb - and it is in good state - it screams: when a baby is born, he screams; ... in the same way, if a calf is born, it screams’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:271)