Soqotri Lexicon
سِي فآنٞى
basic morphological information
semantic notes
Predicative element used in the collocation si fɔ́ne ‘to happen/be in the former times’, which introduces a situation in the remote past. The construction governs a verbal predicate (a) or a nominal predicate (b).
a. si fɔ́ne έter aḷ-yebóde be-darṣ kaḷ be-ˁamb wa-míˀḥo ṣábrɛhɛr ‘Before, Eter would not start with the abomasum, but with the lung and the intestines, the sour bits!’ (CSOL II 30:13)
b. bóhod men ŝfᵒḳo si fɔ́ne íˀifk ŝófeḳ díˀʸheʰ be-déroʰ ‘Quit this fancy talk! Your father was in his time a true master of eloquent speech’ (CSOL II 30:13)