bέgiˁ or bógiˁ (yebɛgíˁin/ľibέgaˁ)
basic morphological information

v. (II)

to try, to attempt
CSOL I 511; CSOL II 430; Naumkin et al. 2015b:46
text examples

a. entáḥki ḷe-bestán wa-bónik toʸh wa-be-ľéľhe gédaḥ dɛ́gen wa-góˀor bestán wa-hímaˁk ö́bhon di-gotéˀer wa-bɛ́giˁk ˁaf oˁóreb díˀʸho ṣáḥeb ‘I was in a dispute over a palm-grove and built a fence around it. One night the other person came and destroyed the fence, and I heard stones falling. I tried giving chase and then I recognized the man’ (CSOL I 16:12bis)

b. ébhodk ˁaf ḷe-ˁóŝi wa-ḷe-ˁóŝi be-ḳúwwaʰ bɛ́giˁk ˁaf esákaˁ ‘I waited till morning and then tried as hard I could until I finally crossed the wadi’ (CSOL I 16:12)

semantic notes

bɛ́giˁ ˁaf + perfect ‘to try and finally to accomplish something’ (a, b)

  • bégaˁ 1. to be able, to overcome; 2. to warm up (sun)
  • ébgaˁ to be able