Soqotri Lexicon
(3 sg. f.) ˁeḷέmoʰ (toˁóḷem/taˁḷέm)
basic morphological information
v. (Ia)
to be the first in giving birth (from a group of animals)
первым приносить потомство (в группе животных)
كانت الأولى لتلد (عن الحيوانات)
Naumkin et al. 2022:278, with fn. 102
первым приносить потомство (в группе животных)
كانت الأولى لتلد (عن الحيوانات)
text examples
še ŝᵉľɛʰ ḥiẓ̂haréten ebešhinítin ḷe-ḥaʰ be-di-médeʰ wa-kúľľe subúˁ eŝóki ˁésen ṭoḳ-náˁaʰ kaḷ íno di-ˁeḷέmoʰ wa-ḷaṭ ekténaḥ ‘I have a few pregnant tame goats staying in the village there in the countryside. Every week I go there to visit them–perhaps one of them has given birth?–and then come back (to Hadibo).’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:278)
semantic notes
For semantic reasons, the verb is used in the feminine only.