a. di-ḥóuḷob mes gézhɛr di-ẓ̂aˁ wa-ḳáṣˁaʰ ˁes aḷ-tenɛ́hɛr ‘Yet its milk fills a large skin, and guests never miss a chance to taste it’ (CSOL I 14:1)
b. tóˀo neṣḷέb ḷe-ẓ̂ayέfeʰ yoˀóbeˁ féghor ḷe-ˀέˀɛfo ḷe-ˀéˀeb wa-ḷe-ḳéyhɛn wa-ľikán keʰ ṣöḷóben e-ḳáṣˁaʰ yóuṭaf fέger ḷe-ḳáṣˁaʰ wáľľa ḷe-ŝíbɛb ‘Whenever we slaughter for a wedding feast, there are enough heads for everybody (to eat), young and old. But when we slaughter (an animal) for a guests at home, the head is given to the guests or to the head of the household’ (CSOL III 13:23)
c. ḳáṣˁaʰ ḷaḷ ṣóuḷob hes yeˁúbor hes ṣ̌íyɛŝ wa-ˀéṣhaḷ wa-émme ľheʰ ḥádyɛb yeˁúbor héʸhen ẓ̂íľaˁ wa-bíľeʰ di-ˀaḷ-ľáḳat ‘When they have guests, when they slaughter for them, they offer them (halved) skulls and bones (to suck the marrow), whereas the hosts are given ribs and other trifles’ (CSOL III 13:23)