n. (m.)
полупереваренное молоко из желудка только что зарезанного козлёнка
حليب شبه مهضوم من معدة الجدى المذبوح
έˀɛfo be-ṣaḳɔ́tri ḷaḷ yíken ˁáyog di-ˀérhon wa-yeṣóuḷob mes yeṣéhed ḷe-ˁádog di-ˁífef wa-ˁádog di-ˁífef aḷ-ḳóudor ke-tɛʰ ḷaḷ yebóhoḷ tɛʰ wa-nóutog tɛʰ men rího nekéˁen ˁádog wa-ŝóuṭar wa-bóuḷog di-rího di-tɛʰ ʸheʰ wa-díˀʸheʰ šéreŝ wa-yeḳóudof kor yeˀókeb ṭahídidš wa-yíken beʸh ṭáˁam wa-kaḥ ṭáˁam beʸh ḷaḷ nóuŝoz be-ṣ̂íṣ̂eʰ ‘When it it the time when goats give birth on Soqotra, and the male kids are slaughtered, everybody is eager to get the undigested milk from the stomach of a milk goat-kid. We do not boil ˁádog with meat. When meat is ready and taken out of the broth, one brings a stomach with ˁádog, it is cut in two and thrown into the meat broth, ˁádog and the stomach which contains it. Then one stirs the broth so that ˁádog and the broth get well mixed and acquire a special taste. And it has a special taste when one sips it from a half of the boiled goat kid’s head’ (Naumkin–Kogan 2021:533)
- ˁédog to be suckled (a child or a young of an animal)
- (3 sg. f.) aˁdégoʰ to suckle
- ˁadg or ˁodg being suckled