Soqotri Lexicon
ḳáˁnhɛn (du. ḳaˁnέni, pl. ḳaˁnénhon, f. ḳáˁnhen, du. ḳaˁníni, pl. ḳoˁónhen)
basic morphological information
text examples
égaḥk témreʰ ˁéḷeʰ wa-ḳáˁnhen ‘I climbed a tall and twisted palm-tree’ (Bulakh 2024:149)
morphological notes
dim. ḳaˁnínhin (f. ḳaˁnénoʰ): di-mezέydher ḳaˁnínhin ‘Oh, circumcised one, humpbacked one!’ (Naumkin et al. 2015a:34)
other notes
di-ḳáˁanhin or di-ḳáˁnhɛn ‘scorpion’:
gédaḥ di-ḳáˁanhin wa-ḥóbi ḷe-ṭádaˁ di-ˁouyέghɛn wa-ṣerk toy béne ‘A scorpion came and started to creep on the boy, but I threw it away strongly’ (Naumkin et al. 2013a:81); ḳésor fe di-ḳáˁnhɛn be-ri di-mósḥim ‘A scorpion stung the tip of my penis’ (Naumkin et al. 2015a:36)
- eḳˁáynen to bend, to bow, to be bow-backed