meẓ̂aḷóˁoʰ (du. meẓ̂aḷoˁóti, pl. meẓ̂óľiˁ)
basic morphological information

n. (f.)

lateral incisor
боковой резец
سن ضاحك
CSOL I 700; Simeone-Senelle–Lonnet 1991:1480
text examples

meẓ̂aḷóˁoʰ seʰ téken ḷe-dέfɛʰ di-merbóˁoʰ wa-ḷe-dέfɛʰ di-ḥóuľeheľ ‘Lateral incisor is located near the front upper tooth and near the canine tooth’ (field notes) 


Perhaps borrowed from a South Arabian Arabic term for dam, barrier, which may resemble an incisor in its shape: Daṯina maḍlaˁah ‘digue, vanne’, North Yemeni maḍlaˁ ‘Terrasse am Fuße eines Berges’. The word goes back to the ancient South Arabian lore, cf. Sab. mṣ̂lˁ ‘type of low stone barrage’.