áˁber (yeˁábor/ľáˁbɛr)
basic morphological information

v. (IV)

to deliver, to pass, to reach
LS 295; CSOL I 483; CSOL II 400; Naumkin et al. 2015a:59
text examples

a. aˁbóren ˁes eḳníyoʰ ‘We gave it (the goat) some fodder’ (CSOL II 5:2829)

b. ígdaḥ énhi men di-médeʰ tɛʰ wa-ˁámok meʸh árbaˁ tíyob ˁö́ḳaḷk nɔ́fin ṭey wa-ŝᵉľɛʰ ˁámok be-sḥaľeʰ wa-ˀáˁbork íľľiho girán ‘Some meat was brought to me from the countryside, and I divided it into four portions. I set aside one portion for myself and put the remaining three into a bowl and offered them to my neighbors’ (CSOL I 22:63)

c. áˁbork tos éˀed ‘I extended my hand to her’ (CSOL I 18:10)

d. iˁbíroʰ suwáḥiľi ‘It (the slaughtered goat) was offered to the Swahili’ (CSOL I 2:74)

e. wa-ʸheʰ áˁber ˁeʸh díˀʸheʰ férhim ‘And he handed his daughter over to him’ (CSOL II 1:102)

morphological notes

pass. íˁbɛr (yeˁúbor/ľiˁbór

semantic notes

‘To pass something (direct object) to somebody (ḷe-)’ (a, e); ‘to pass something (direct object) to somebody (direct object)’ (b, d); ‘to pass something (direct object) to somebody (object pronoun)’ (c).

‘To reach out one’s hand to somebody (direct object)’: 

wá-ˁbork tos waḷ-ˀaˁberóten ‘I reached out to her (my hand), but she did not reach (hers) out to me’ (Naumkin et al. 2015a:141:a8)

