eṭḳáˁ (yeṭáḳaˁ/ľáṭḳaˁ)
basic morphological information

v. (IV)

to look upwards
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LS 208; CSOL I 686; Naumkin et al. 2015a:90
text examples

a. ˁaf tóˀo ftáḳḥoʰ ḥteʰ šéˀef ṭad men ˁággi wa-ˀéṭḳaˁ be-ˀéreʰ ‘At midnight, one of the two men stretched out and stared at the moon’ (CSOL I 4:18)

other notes

‘To look upwards at something (be-)’ (a)


Also in Jib. Kogan (2015:595) further compares Tgr. ṭäḳˁa ‘to be sharp (eyes)’.

continental MSA