Soqotri Lexicon
arbáˁaʰ (árbaˁ with feminine nouns)
text examples
a. éṣme ˁag díˀʸheʰ ˁážeʰ wa-báˁaḷ ˁážeʰ di-ses arbáˁaʰ embóryeʰ wa-seʰ maˁtiẓ̂áfoʰ ‘A man outlived his wife and married a woman around 40 years old, with four children.’ (CSOL I 8:28)
b. wa-deš mesáfeʰ di-ˁod ses ˁag taḳríban taˀáraḥ ḥoz ḫams saˁát aw árbaˁ saˁát ˁaľa ľ-ˀaḳáľľ ‘And the distance he walked along with this root was close to five hours, or there-abouts, or four hours at the least.’ (CSOL II 23:18)
From Arb. ˀarbaˁat- ‘four’.