المعجم السقطري
Naumkin, Vitaly, et al. 2014a. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri I/1: Strong Triconsonantal Roots in the Basic Stem (the Analysis), Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 59, 25–56
V. Naumkin, M. Bulakh, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri I/2: Strong triconsonantal roots in the Basic Stem (the lexical data). Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 60, 2014, 35–73
V. Naumkin, L. Kogan, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī, D. Cherkashin. Soqotri Texts in the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. An Annotated Edition. Oxford, 2015
V. Naumkin, L. Kogan, D. Cherkashin, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī. Soqotri Lexical Archive: the 2011 Fieldwork Season. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 165 (2015), 41–61
V. Naumkin, M. Bulakh, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī, Maysūn Muḥammad ad-Daˁrhī. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri II: Weak and Geminated Roots in the Basic Stem. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 63, 2016, 19–60
V. Naumkin, L. Kogan, D. Cherkashin, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī. Soqotri Lexical Archive: the 2012 Fieldwork Season. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 166, 57–80
V. Naumkin, M. Bulakh, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī, Maysūn Muḥammad ad-Daˁrhī. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri III/1: The Second Stem. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 69, 2019, 61–93
V. Naumkin, M. Bulakh, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī, Maysūn Muḥammad ad-Daˁrhī. Studies in the Verbal Morphology of Soqotri III/2: a List of Sound and Weak Verbs Belonging to Second Stem in Soqotri. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 70, 2019, 73–91
V. Naumkin, L. Kogan, Aḥmad ˁĪsā ad-Daˁrhī, ˁĪsā Gumˁān ad-Daˁrhī. Soqotri Lexical Archive: the 2013 Fieldwork Season. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 172, 2022, 253–282
В.В. Наумкин, Л.Е. Коган. Сокотрийская народная поэзия: вечное возвращение. Антропология и этнология: современный взгляд / отв. Ред. А.В. Головнёв, Э.-Б.М. Гучинова. Москва, 2021, 522–534